
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

For those tears I died

For Those Tears I Died

1) You said you'd come to share all my sorrow,
You said you'd be there for all my tomorrows;
I came so close to sending you away, 
but just like you promised, 
You came here to stay, I just had to pray.

And Jesus said, "Come to the water, stand by my side,
I know you are thirsty, you won't be denied.
I felt every teardrop when in darkness you cried.
And I strove to remind you that for those tears I died."

2)  Your goodness so great, I can't understand.
And dear Lord, I know that all this was planned.
I know You're here now and always will be.
Your love loosed my chain and in You I'm free.
But Jesus why me?

3)  Jesus, I give You my heart and my soul.
I know now without God, I'd never be whole.
Savior, You opened all the right doors,
and I thank you and praise You,
from earth's humble shores.
Take me, I'm Yours.

I remember this song was sung by our dear sister Wong Mei Leng (now Mrs. Sung) in one of our November Missions held in St. Peter Chaplaincy at Oxford Road. It was our annual outreach event to share the gospel with new foreign students first came to Manchester for their tertiary education. Mei Leng has a beautiful voice. As she sang this song after an evangelistic sermon, we saw people responding to the alter call to give their lives to Jesus - they found the Living Water who can satisfy their thirsty souls. Praise God!

I personally think that this song is best sung by a soloist instead of a choir. Well, that is just my personal opinion and taste. In whatever form this song is presented, the impact on the listeners is great. It is our Savior's call for those thirsty and heavy laden to come to Him.

I hope you enjoy this song.

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