
Sunday, January 20, 2013

I will serve the Lord while it's convenient to do so.

Quote for Meditation (A.W. Tozer)

"How utterly terrible is the current idea that Christians can serve God at their own convenience." 



We are living in a busy time. Everything demands our attention, be it from family, work, play, church and hobbies. When we prioritize all these, sad to say we often put serving God out of our convenience. Is this kind of "convenient sacrifices" holy and acceptable to God? It's worth our thinking. 

我们都生活在忙碌中.举凡从家庭,事业,教会和嗜好,都在争取我们有限的时间.我们安排优先次序时,往往会把事奉神放在"自己方便"的行列中.试问,这样 的事奉是否是分别为圣,神所悦纳的事奉呢?


Photo: Today's Quote:
"How utterly terrible is the current idea that Christians can serve God at their own convenience."
AW Tozer 
We are living in a busy time. Everything demands our attention, be it from family, work, play, church and hobbies. When we prioritize all these, sad to say we often put serving God out of our convenience. Is this kind of "convenient sacrifices" holy and acceptable to God? It's worth our thinking.
我们都生活在忙碌中.举凡从家庭,事业,教会和嗜好,都在争取我们有限的时间.我们安排优先次序时,往往会把事奉神放在"自己方便"的行列中.试问,这样的事奉是否是分别为圣,神所悦纳的事奉呢?        Photo: Today's Quote:
"How utterly terrible is the current idea that Christians can serve God at their own convenience."
AW Tozer 
We are living in a busy time. Everything demands our attention, be it from family, work, play, church and hobbies. When we prioritize all these, sad to say we often put serving God out of our convenience. Is this kind of "convenient sacrifices" holy and acceptable to God? It's worth our thinking.
我们都生活在忙碌中.举凡从家庭,事业,教会和嗜好,都在争取我们有限的时间.我们安排优先次序时,往往会把事奉神放在"自己方便"的行列中.试问,这样的事奉是否是分别为圣,神所悦纳的事奉呢?       Photo: Today's Quote:
"How utterly terrible is the current idea that Christians can serve God at their own convenience."
AW Tozer 
We are living in a busy time. Everything demands our attention, be it from family, work, play, church and hobbies. When we prioritize all these, sad to say we often put serving God out of our convenience. Is this kind of "convenient sacrifices" holy and acceptable to God? It's worth our thinking.

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