
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I will not allow FEAR to enslave me.

Quote For Meditation (Joyce Meyer)

The more you give in to fear, the more control it has over you.

When you dare not ask people to imitate you as you imitate Christ (1Cor 11:1), you give in to fear. You're fearful that your weaknesses are exposed to others and they use them to hold against you. So you choose to wear a mask all the time. Do you really want to live a life like this? 
当你不敢要求别人效法你,就如你效法基督 (林前11:1),你就已经向惧怕妥协.你害怕自己的软弱赤裸裸地摆在人前,别人可以持它们为把柄.所以,你选择戴上面具.你真的甘心这样度过此生吗?

Today's Quote:
The more you give in to fear, the more control it has over you. 
Joyce Meyer
When you dare not ask people to imitate you as you imitate Christ (1Cor 11:1), you give in to fear. You're fearful that your weaknesses are exposed to others and they use them to hold against you. So you choose to wear a mask all the time. Do you really want to live a life like this? 
当你不敢要求别人效法你,就如你效法基督 (林前11:1),你就已经想惧怕妥协.你害怕自己的软弱赤裸裸地摆在人前,别人可以持它们为把柄.所以,你选择戴上面具.你真的甘心这样度过此生吗?
============                             Today's Quote:
The more you give in to fear, the more control it has over you. 
Joyce Meyer
When you dare not ask people to imitate you as you imitate Christ (1Cor 11:1), you give in to fear. You're fearful that your weaknesses are exposed to others and they use them to hold against you. So you choose to wear a mask all the time. Do you really want to live a life like this? 
当你不敢要求别人效法你,就如你效法基督 (林前11:1),你就已经想惧怕妥协.你害怕自己的软弱赤裸裸地摆在人前,别人可以持它们为把柄.所以,你选择戴上面具.你真的甘心这样度过此生吗?
============                             Today's Quote:
The more you give in to fear, the more control it has over you. 
Joyce Meyer
When you dare not ask people to imitate you as you imitate Christ (1Cor 11:1), you give in to fear. You're fearful that your weaknesses are exposed to others and they use them to hold against you. So you choose to wear a mask all the time. Do you really want to live a life like this? 
当你不敢要求别人效法你,就如你效法基督 (林前11:1),你就已经想惧怕妥协.你害怕自己的软弱赤裸裸地摆在人前,别人可以持它们为把柄.所以,你选择戴上面具.你真的甘心这样度过此生吗?

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