I am a Christian. I love chatting with friends; I also enjoy having wonderful dinner with my parents, wife and children. Born with a baby face and a joyful spirit, but I believe I am still quite responsible. (thick skin :) Choose not to be troubled with things cannot be changed; choose to work hard on things that can still be changed. Passionate on traveling. Plan to travel the world and experience various cultures and scenery.
Being a Chinese educated person, I tend to read Chinese books, enjoy Chinese songs and movies in my free time.
I knew the Lord Jesus when I was studying in a University in England. I began to read bible and Christian literature in English.Well, you are right to say that most of my spiritual journey and growth has been in English language.
天生有张baby face,有点乐天派,但还算负责任。选择不为无法改变的事皱眉头,为可以改变的事努力。
最欣赏的电影明星是甄珍和邓光荣,尤其是他们携手共演的“彩云飞”,可惜已经绝版了。甄珍和秦汉主演的“烟水寒”也是我钟爱的。哈!你大概也猜到我的年龄了吧 :)