
Thursday, January 31, 2013

"We cannot remain neutral"

Quote For Meditation: (Ellie Wiesel)

Re: moral affairs - "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim... Sometimes we must interfere."


Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

马太福音 5:14-16


Malachi 3:5
“So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,” says the Lord Almighty.


Luke 19:45-46
When Jesus entered the temple courts, he began to drive out those who were selling. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be a house of prayer’; but you have made it ‘a den of robbers."



Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chinese Hymn - Thank you God! 感谢神


1我救主, 感预备;

去的同在, 感神主在我旁;

赐温暖春天, 感凄凉秋景;

神抹乾我眼泪, 感我安宁.


2告蒙, 感神未蒙垂听;

神我曾经风, 感富供应;

我苦与乐, 在望里的安慰;

赐无限恩典, 感比慈爱.

3神路旁有玫瑰, 感神玫瑰有刺;

家庭暖, 感神有福盼望;

乐忧, 感天平安;

明天盼望, 要感直到永远.

I want to be good enough to deserve God's love?

Quote For Meditation (C.S. Lewis)

Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us. 基督徒不是因我们是好人上帝才爱,而是上帝因爱而转化我们成为好人.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) 惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死、神的爱就在此向我们显明了。(罗5:8)
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. (2 Peter 1:4) 因此他已将又宝贵又极大的应许赐给我们、叫我们既脱离世上从情欲来的败坏、就得与神的性情有分。(彼后1:4)
Today's Quote:
The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.
C. S. Lewis
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. (2 Peter 1:4)
===============           Today's Quote:
The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.
C. S. Lewis
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. (2 Peter 1:4)
===============           Today's Quote:
The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.
C. S. Lewis
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. (2 Peter 1:4)
===============           Today's Quote:
The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us.
C. S. Lewis
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. (2 Peter 1:4)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Standing on the promises of Christ my King

I used to sing this wonderful song together with my fellow Christian brothers and sisters in Manchester Chinese Christian Church. We sang it loud and clear, declaring the foundation of our faith in Christ Jesus alone.

We don't sing this song in church anymore. The younger generation has their very own favorites just like we had ours at our good old days. However, I praise God for the young generation. They are not the future of our church, they are indeed part of the church today. It is neither the type of songs we sing nor the kind of music we appreciate that will divide us.The most important element which unite all of us together, young and old, is our common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in whom we stand and declare our praises and pledge our loyalty.

For those of you who are in my generation, this is the song you would appreciate to hear it again. For those who are much younger, why don't you hear and see why this song is popular in your father's generation.


1)  Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
Through eternal ages let His praises ring,
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God.

Standing, standing,
Standing on the promises of God my Savior;
Standing, standing,
I’m standing on the promises of God.

2)  Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.

3)  Standing on the promises I now can see
Perfect, present cleansing in the blood for me;
Standing in the liberty where Christ makes free,
Standing on the promises of God.

4)  Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,
Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord,
Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword,
Standing on the promises of God.

5)  Standing on the promises I cannot fall,
Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call
Resting in my Savior as my all in all,
Standing on the promises of God.

The Youtube version is here for your enjoyment.

Celebrating a "RED" Chinese new year


前几天,我买了些新年装饰品,墙上贴上红春联,客厅挂一串闪闪发亮的红爆竹,角落摆设红扇,置放一束红桃花,一篮子的柑和礼篮,再从书房拿出杭州买的枫桥夜泊的字画挂在饭厅………….真的满室春意盎然.爸爸一踏进家门,马上露出笑脸:”哈 哈,这样红彤彤的才有新年的气氛!” 他拖着小侄儿的手,站在春联面前,操着浓浓的客家音念着:”甜甜蜜蜜庆团圆,欢欢喜喜迎新年.”


近几十年来,”传统这个词儿让人标签成落伍”,”老土退步等负面的意义.记得很多年前,市场风行全黑的乌鸦,的青少年,大年初一也百无禁忌,穿了一身黑向祖父母拜年.长辈一看,脸一沉,背过身去,吐口唾液:”大吉利是!”在当年的确掀起一场热闹的代沟战”.老的说,年青人不尊敬长辈,年初一穿黑色,象穿孝服出街,别人不知情,还以为家里死了人呢!小的也不甘示弱,他们说,老一辈食古不化,颜色本身是中立的,他们只是随己好穿戴,没半点不敬之意.当年我是个年青人,纵使我不苟老人家的迷信,我选择体恤他们的心情.他们多数没受过高深的教育,他们用咸咸的汗水和坚挺的背脊把一家人养活.他们最怕的是天灾人祸,命运强霸捣碎一家的幸福,所以他们要平安吉利,要风调雨顺,任何触霉头的东西都避而远之. 其实,我还很庆幸,年轻人只是把黑色穿戴身上,而不是让它们变成乌云满地”.试想想,门前挂黑布条,春联黑纸写,收到的红包是黑包”………这是怎样的一种新年啊?



圣经里的箴言如此说:”一句话说得合宜,就如金苹果在银网子里。金苹果在银网的画面本身就是一种美,绝对符合赏心悦目的标准.如果我们常年都慎言,诚心用话语祝福鼓励身边的人,我相信社会更美,我们的面容也会变得赏心悦目? 我希望天天是新年,人人讲好话,一切的误会,不欢, 咒诅和怨恨,都要了结,定意要重建温馨和睦的关系.


I will not allow FEAR to enslave me.

Quote For Meditation (Joyce Meyer)

The more you give in to fear, the more control it has over you.

When you dare not ask people to imitate you as you imitate Christ (1Cor 11:1), you give in to fear. You're fearful that your weaknesses are exposed to others and they use them to hold against you. So you choose to wear a mask all the time. Do you really want to live a life like this? 
当你不敢要求别人效法你,就如你效法基督 (林前11:1),你就已经向惧怕妥协.你害怕自己的软弱赤裸裸地摆在人前,别人可以持它们为把柄.所以,你选择戴上面具.你真的甘心这样度过此生吗?

Today's Quote:
The more you give in to fear, the more control it has over you. 
Joyce Meyer
When you dare not ask people to imitate you as you imitate Christ (1Cor 11:1), you give in to fear. You're fearful that your weaknesses are exposed to others and they use them to hold against you. So you choose to wear a mask all the time. Do you really want to live a life like this? 
当你不敢要求别人效法你,就如你效法基督 (林前11:1),你就已经想惧怕妥协.你害怕自己的软弱赤裸裸地摆在人前,别人可以持它们为把柄.所以,你选择戴上面具.你真的甘心这样度过此生吗?
============                             Today's Quote:
The more you give in to fear, the more control it has over you. 
Joyce Meyer
When you dare not ask people to imitate you as you imitate Christ (1Cor 11:1), you give in to fear. You're fearful that your weaknesses are exposed to others and they use them to hold against you. So you choose to wear a mask all the time. Do you really want to live a life like this? 
当你不敢要求别人效法你,就如你效法基督 (林前11:1),你就已经想惧怕妥协.你害怕自己的软弱赤裸裸地摆在人前,别人可以持它们为把柄.所以,你选择戴上面具.你真的甘心这样度过此生吗?
============                             Today's Quote:
The more you give in to fear, the more control it has over you. 
Joyce Meyer
When you dare not ask people to imitate you as you imitate Christ (1Cor 11:1), you give in to fear. You're fearful that your weaknesses are exposed to others and they use them to hold against you. So you choose to wear a mask all the time. Do you really want to live a life like this? 
当你不敢要求别人效法你,就如你效法基督 (林前11:1),你就已经想惧怕妥协.你害怕自己的软弱赤裸裸地摆在人前,别人可以持它们为把柄.所以,你选择戴上面具.你真的甘心这样度过此生吗?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I am called to live a meaningful life

Quote For Meditation (Rick Warren)

Your career makes a living but your calling makes your life. 


We tend to spend much time in earning a living but spend so much less in living out our calling. Most of us try hard to find the will of God and His calling for our lives. Do you know that most of God's will and His callings are written in the bible?
In God's world, ignorance is not bliss. Let us press on to read the precious word of God daily.

我们花多数的时间在找生活,却花极少时间去活出我们的呼召. 我们竭力去寻求上帝在我生命中的旨意和呼召.你知道吗?上帝的旨意和呼召一般都已经写在圣经里了.


Today's Quote:
Your career makes a living but your calling makes your life. 
Rick Warren
We tend to spend much time in earning a living but spend so much more less in living out our calling. Most of us try hard to find the will of God and His calling for our lives. Do you know that most of God's will and His callings are written in the bible?
In God's world, ignorance is not bliss. Let us press on to read the precious word of God daily.
我们花多数的时间在找生活,却花极少时间去活出我们的呼召. 我们竭力去寻求上帝在我生命中的旨意和呼召.你知道吗?上帝的旨意和呼召一般都已经写在圣经里了.
=============== Today's Quote:
Your career makes a living but your calling makes your life. 
Rick Warren
We tend to spend much time in earning a living but spend so much more less in living out our calling. Most of us try hard to find the will of God and His calling for our lives. Do you know that most of God's will and His callings are written in the bible?
In God's world, ignorance is not bliss. Let us press on to read the precious word of God daily.
我们花多数的时间在找生活,却花极少时间去活出我们的呼召. 我们竭力去寻求上帝在我生命中的旨意和呼召.你知道吗?上帝的旨意和呼召一般都已经写在圣经里了.
=============== Today's Quote:
Your career makes a living but your calling makes your life. 
Rick Warren
We tend to spend much time in earning a living but spend so much more less in living out our calling. Most of us try hard to find the will of God and His calling for our lives. Do you know that most of God's will and His callings are written in the bible?
In God's world, ignorance is not bliss. Let us press on to read the precious word of God daily.
我们花多数的时间在找生活,却花极少时间去活出我们的呼召. 我们竭力去寻求上帝在我生命中的旨意和呼召.你知道吗?上帝的旨意和呼召一般都已经写在圣经里了.
=============== Today's Quote:
Your career makes a living but your calling makes your life. 
Rick Warren
We tend to spend much time in earning a living but spend so much more less in living out our calling. Most of us try hard to find the will of God and His calling for our lives. Do you know that most of God's will and His callings are written in the bible?
In God's world, ignorance is not bliss. Let us press on to read the precious word of God daily.
我们花多数的时间在找生活,却花极少时间去活出我们的呼召. 我们竭力去寻求上帝在我生命中的旨意和呼召.你知道吗?上帝的旨意和呼召一般都已经写在圣经里了.

Monday, January 21, 2013

What? Are your sure? We are the light of the world?

Quote for Meditation (Martin Lurther King)
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.
Dear brothers and sisters, do you know that we are the light of the world? Do you know that only we can show to the world what true love is?
Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
马太福音 5:14-16


Sunday, January 20, 2013

I will serve the Lord while it's convenient to do so.

Quote for Meditation (A.W. Tozer)

"How utterly terrible is the current idea that Christians can serve God at their own convenience." 



We are living in a busy time. Everything demands our attention, be it from family, work, play, church and hobbies. When we prioritize all these, sad to say we often put serving God out of our convenience. Is this kind of "convenient sacrifices" holy and acceptable to God? It's worth our thinking. 

我们都生活在忙碌中.举凡从家庭,事业,教会和嗜好,都在争取我们有限的时间.我们安排优先次序时,往往会把事奉神放在"自己方便"的行列中.试问,这样 的事奉是否是分别为圣,神所悦纳的事奉呢?


Photo: Today's Quote:
"How utterly terrible is the current idea that Christians can serve God at their own convenience."
AW Tozer 
We are living in a busy time. Everything demands our attention, be it from family, work, play, church and hobbies. When we prioritize all these, sad to say we often put serving God out of our convenience. Is this kind of "convenient sacrifices" holy and acceptable to God? It's worth our thinking.
我们都生活在忙碌中.举凡从家庭,事业,教会和嗜好,都在争取我们有限的时间.我们安排优先次序时,往往会把事奉神放在"自己方便"的行列中.试问,这样的事奉是否是分别为圣,神所悦纳的事奉呢?        Photo: Today's Quote:
"How utterly terrible is the current idea that Christians can serve God at their own convenience."
AW Tozer 
We are living in a busy time. Everything demands our attention, be it from family, work, play, church and hobbies. When we prioritize all these, sad to say we often put serving God out of our convenience. Is this kind of "convenient sacrifices" holy and acceptable to God? It's worth our thinking.
我们都生活在忙碌中.举凡从家庭,事业,教会和嗜好,都在争取我们有限的时间.我们安排优先次序时,往往会把事奉神放在"自己方便"的行列中.试问,这样的事奉是否是分别为圣,神所悦纳的事奉呢?       Photo: Today's Quote:
"How utterly terrible is the current idea that Christians can serve God at their own convenience."
AW Tozer 
We are living in a busy time. Everything demands our attention, be it from family, work, play, church and hobbies. When we prioritize all these, sad to say we often put serving God out of our convenience. Is this kind of "convenient sacrifices" holy and acceptable to God? It's worth our thinking.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Do leaders shout the loudest?

Quote for Meditation (Rick Warren)

A lot of leadership is behind the scenes. You don't have to be loud to lead.

So often we only notice those leaders who could stand in the public and shout while forgetting those lead quietly behind the scene. Today, let us whisper a prayer for those in your church, school, workplace or even family who take up small responsibility to lead in one way or another. If you can, please walk up to them and say with sincerity a big "thank you".

Today's Quote:
A lot of leadership is behind the scenes. You don't have to be loud to lead.
Rick Warren
So often we only notice those leaders who could stand in the public and shout while forgetting those lead quietly behind the scene. Today, let us whisper a prayer for those in your church, school, workplace or even family who take up small responsibility to lead in one way or another. If you can, please walk walk up to them and say with sincerity a big "thank you".
往往我们只注意到那些站在台前大声呼吁的领袖,却忘记更多在幕后默默耕耘的.今天,让我们为那些在教会,学校,工作场所或家庭里付出一点努力的人祷告.当然,如果你可以做到,就走向前诚恳地对他们说声:"谢谢你."        Today's Quote:
A lot of leadership is behind the scenes. You don't have to be loud to lead.
Rick Warren
So often we only notice those leaders who could stand in the public and shout while forgetting those lead quietly behind the scene. Today, let us whisper a prayer for those in your church, school, workplace or even family who take up small responsibility to lead in one way or another. If you can, please walk walk up to them and say with sincerity a big "thank you".
往往我们只注意到那些站在台前大声呼吁的领袖,却忘记更多在幕后默默耕耘的.今天,让我们为那些在教会,学校,工作场所或家庭里付出一点努力的人祷告.当然,如果你可以做到,就走向前诚恳地对他们说声:"谢谢你."        Today's Quote:
A lot of leadership is behind the scenes. You don't have to be loud to lead.
Rick Warren
So often we only notice those leaders who could stand in the public and shout while forgetting those lead quietly behind the scene. Today, let us whisper a prayer for those in your church, school, workplace or even family who take up small responsibility to lead in one way or another. If you can, please walk walk up to them and say with sincerity a big "thank you".
往往我们只注意到那些站在台前大声呼吁的领袖,却忘记更多在幕后默默耕耘的.今天,让我们为那些在教会,学校,工作场所或家庭里付出一点努力的人祷告.当然,如果你可以做到,就走向前诚恳地对他们说声:"谢谢你."        Today's Quote:
A lot of leadership is behind the scenes. You don't have to be loud to lead.
Rick Warren
So often we only notice those leaders who could stand in the public and shout while forgetting those lead quietly behind the scene. Today, let us whisper a prayer for those in your church, school, workplace or even family who take up small responsibility to lead in one way or another. If you can, please walk walk up to them and say with sincerity a big "thank you".

Friday, January 18, 2013

"Sorry, I am too busy."

Quote for Meditation: (Rick Godwin)

Its very easy to say Busy when someone needs you but its very painful to hear Busy when you need someone!



Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Luke 6:31)


Photo: Todays's Quote:
 Its very easy to say Busy when someone needs you but its very painful to hear Busy when you need someone!
* Rick Godwin *
Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Luke 6:31)
你们愿意人怎样待你们、你们也要怎样待人。(路加福音6:31)Photo: Todays's Quote:
 Its very easy to say Busy when someone needs you but its very painful to hear Busy when you need someone!
* Rick Godwin *
Do to others as you would have them do to you. (Luke 6:31)